5 Ways to Extend The Life of Your Valuable Carpet

5 Ways to Extend The Life of Your Valuable Carpet

Everyone wants their carpets to look new and fresh for years. They invest time in doing carpet cleaning on a regular basis but even at times, you will notice that carpet starts losing its sheen. There are certain ways and precautions which should be taken to prolong the life of your carpet and you will enjoy beauty and comfort, much longer. So, below we are going to see “5 Ways to Extend The Life of Your Valuable Carpet”.

The Simple and Best 5 Ways to Extend The Life of Your Carpet Are:

  1. Install Air Filter or Air Purifier –

    Dirt is the primary issue which impacts carpets the most. Install good quality air purifiers or filters in your home so that you can enjoy fresh air within the premises of your house. Air purifier traps and locks dust particles present in the air so dust won’t settle onto the carpet and floors. This makes them less dirty and helps them look fresh and new and helps in enhancing the life of your beautiful carpets.
  2. Using Vacuum at The Right Height –

    The vacuum helps in carpet cleaning and many people advise regular vacuuming but if you set the vacuum to low then it may harm the fabric and texture of your carpet. If you use the vacuum on a higher height the chances are you will not be able to clean the carpet and make it dust and dirt free as being too high it will not be effective to pick up dust and dirt from the carpet. So always use the vacuum at the right height so that you will be able to do carpet cleaning without damaging the carpet.
  3. Don’t Move on Carpet Unnecessarily –

    In the air, there are millions of suspended dust and dirt particles that get settled on the carpet with time. Dirt particles are like blades that keep cutting carpet fibers making it weak. Walking on the carpet will make these dirt molecules go further deep and get settled entangling yarn fibers. During carpet cleaning these dirt molecules scratches yarn fibers along with them. It results in making the fabric weak and also eventually it starts losing its sheen. To avoid this unnecessary movement on the carpet should be avoided which can indirectly help in elongating the life and sheen of your valuable carpet.
  4. Timely Cleaning of Stains –

    Try to remove the stain as soon as it appears on the carpet. This will not only help your carpet to look clean. If the stain remains on the carpet for a longer duration than it becomes chemically associated with the carpet. It becomes hard to remove the stain. While removing such hard stains during carpet cleaning in Mawson Lakes at times. You need to use chemicals that are hard and can adversely affect carpet color, fabric, and texture.
  5. Furniture Rearrangement –

    It is noticed that regular changes in furniture arrangements can also help in extending the life of your carpet. Simultaneously this activity will give a new décor look to your house. The reason behind is very simple: a fixed furniture arrangement will compress your carpet in some areas. Periodic shifting will overcome this issue.
Extend The Life of Your Valuable Carpet Service
Extend The Life of Your Valuable Carpet Service